Exciting Update from our Ugandan Partners!
Charles Mugarura, founder of Broadfield Enterprises Uganda, and an expert in permaculture is running a 2-week permaculture design course at the Dolen Ffermio Permaculture Farm in Kamuli.

Permaculture offers sustainable and practical solutions to global challenges that can be applied locally. At the heart of climate change adaptation, permaculture’s prime goal is to create future viability and enable people to take their lives into their own hands through a community-based, systemic approach to sustainable agriculture.
There is space for up to 35 participants on the course, which will take place from 1-14 May 2021. As a foundational course it is targeted to school teachers, community workers, farmers, NGO staff members, as well as individuals looking to gain a deeper insight into permaculture.
There will be four sessions a day and the curriculum will cover everything from underlying principles of the approach, water and wildlife management to permaculture design. The core areas of teaching are designing productive landscapes, increasing sustainability and production, social permaculture and self-sufficiency. Not only will participants gain a wealth of practical knowledge, but they will also leave with the ability to design their own permaculture garden, ideal for Uganda’s small-holding farms, maximising production while conserving the environment.
Furthermore, the course will consider Permaculture as a powerful educational tool that can be used in schools to change campus culture, reduce waste, water run-off and convert nutrients into healthy soil. Accommodation, meals and resources for two weeks are all included in the $250 cost for each participant.
Could you help fund a Ugandan participant? You can support Charles and the team here: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/charity-web/charity/finalCharityHomepage.action?charityId=1001307
If you want to sign up for this or future courses or want further information visit www.broadfieldpermaculture.org or contact Mugarura Charles directly through: