Roeddwn ni’n wrth ein boddau i ddychwelyd eto eleni am Uwchgynhadledd Undod Byd-eang Hub Cymru Africa. Yn ychwanegol i flynyddoedd cynt, cawsom y fraint i’n Cadeirydd, Lorna Brown, i siarad yn yr uwchgynhadledd! Dyma beth ddigwyddodd…
This year, not only did we attend the annual Hub Cymru Africa Global Solidarity Summit, but our Chair, Lorna Brown, was one of the speakers! Here’s what happened…
Back in May 2023, Hub Cymru Africa held their annual Global Solidarity Summit. The Summit brings together individuals and organisations from Wales working on solidarity projects across the world. From small community groups to Wales-based branches of international NGOs, we’re raising the profile of the sector in Wales.
Lorna was asked to speak of our partner’s highly successful solar project as a part of the Summit’s workshop on ‘practical solutions to climate change’.
Climate change is already harming people across the world and many parts of Africa have been ravaged by droughts, floods and severe weather. This workshop looked at what Wales-Africa partnerships can do to understand and reduce the environmental impacts of their work. The workshop focused on how project work, including support for Fairtrade producers, can help communities to adapt to a changing climate.

As a part of this, Lorna drew attention to the dangers of kerosene lamps and how these have slowly been changing to solar lamps in the Ngora region of Eastern Uganda. Thanks to project partners, households are provided with clean efficient lighting to replace kerosene lamps which are a smoke health risk and a fire risk. It also creates much needed youth employment.
Hoffwn ddweud diolch i bawb arall a wnaeth siarad yn yr Uwchgynhadledd a hefyd i Hub Cymru Africa am gynnal digwyddiadau sy’n dod ag elusennau gwahanol o ar draws Cymru i rwydweithio.