Deep in rural Eastern Uganda, communities have been literally left behind by society.

Their infrastructure is almost non-existent, their health systems rudimentary, their education unaffordable and living environment degraded. This has meant food shortages, extreme poverty and poor hygiene, health and nutrition. These issues hit young people particularly hard, many of whom end up in the care of other families in the community. The Covid-19 global pandemic is making the situation even more urgent.

What are we doing?

For more than 20 years, Dolen Ffermio has been helping people in the most remote rural communities in Eastern Uganda to improve their quality of life. Through a range of sustainable development programmes, we equip Ugandan community leaders to introduce ways to access water, grow nutritious food and deliver training to create better opportunities for young people and their families.
Life Opportunities

Highlights the transformative power of learning and earning opportunities for children and their families.

Food & Nutrition

Emphasizes the importance of sustainable farming practices to enable families to grow their own food continuously.

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)

Focuses on improving access to water, soap, and hygiene training to reduce fatal infections.

Transforms Ugandan communities

Our impact transforms Ugandan communities through vocational training, sustainable farming, and climate education, fostering self-reliance and lasting connections with UK partners.


Years in Service


Donations in $ to Communities


Project Beneficiaries


Developmental Programs

Linking Montgomeryshire and North Shropshire with rural communities in Eastern Uganda

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Ngora Vocational Training Institute: Changing Lives Through Education

Our 8-acre site is a hub of learning and growth, with dedicated areas for classrooms, workshops, fields for permaculture, agroforestry training, livestock management, and fishponds. Students are immersed in hands-on learning that empowers them to build sustainable livelihoods.
Project Details

Would you like to help?

Your support can make a real difference. You can contribute to the development of the Ngora Vocational Training Institute, participate as a volunteer, or donate towards our projects.
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Sowing Seeds of Change: Kamuli District Projects

In Uganda's Kamuli district, projects include developing a demonstration farm, establishing tree and bamboo nurseries, fostering links between primary and secondary schools, and promoting permaculture practices to encourage sustainable farming.
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