Rona Gunnell

The bulk of Rona’s career was spent in adult and community education, working for Dumfries and Galloway Council.

Rona has a particular interest in adult literacy and numeracy, and was involved in a number of government advisory groups and working parties to develop a new Scottish literacy strategy. In Dumfries and Galloway, she coordinated an Adult Literacy and Numeracy partnership which involved a number of agencies such as Job Centres, Colleges, Social Services, Health Service, employers and the voluntary sector. In 2004 she was awarded an MBE for services to adult education.

She has been involved in preparing a number of successful applications for grants from government, European Union, local authority, the Heritage Lottery and other bodies.

Rona was elected as our new secretary in 2022, following her support to our ex-secretary with the vital administration of our charity.